挪威真鱈與黑線鱈首獲MSC認證挪威Domstein延繩釣漁業公司所捕真鱈(cod)與黑線鱈(haddock)延繩釣漁業在完成海洋管理委員會(Marine Stewardship Council, MSC)評估程序後,於近日成功取得MSC認證。分別有5,000公噸的挪威鱈魚及黑線鱈終於有資格標上MSC生態標籤ARMANI。挪威第三家取得MSC漁業認證的Domstein延繩釣漁業公司是Domstein與Ervik Havfiske的結盟。由Rolf Domstein的祖父於90年前一手創辦Domstein,位於自古以來即為挪威西岸重要漁港之一的沿海漁村Maloy。而Ervik Havfiske則是挪威重要的延繩釣漁業公司。他們秉持著永續負債整合理念,採用能將混獲率降至最低的魚鉤與魚線捕抓鱈魚的經營方式,經由客觀評估程序後,榮獲MSC認證的肯定。MSC表示,取得MSC認證的Domstein延繩釣公司之真鱈與黑線鱈延繩釣漁業,不僅代表大西洋鱈魚與黑線鱈漁業首度獲得認證,也是長久深受消費者喜愛的品牌,堪稱MSC個人信貸歷史上十分重要的里程碑。挪威鱈魚與黑線鱈將以切片、腰肉、生鮮、冷凍等多樣化的包裝,銷往挪威、瑞典、香港、荷蘭、法國、德國與美國等處。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News NO. 5/2009,16 March 2009)FIRST MSC-CERTIFIED NORWEGIAN COD AND HADDOCKAfter 土地買賣successfully completing its Marine Stewardship Council assessment, Domstein Longline Partners cod andhaddock longline fisheries became MSC certified recently.As a result, 5,000MT of Norwegian cod and 5,000MT of Norwegian haddock are now eligible 花蓮民宿to carry the MSCecolabel.Domstein Longline Partners’ fisheries are the third Norwegian fisheries to receive MSC-certification.Domstein Longline Partners is a co-operation between Domstein and Ervik Havfiske. Domstein is located in Maloy,one of 當鋪the coastal fishing villages on the west coast of Norway. Maloy has been one of the most important fishingports in Norway for centuries and Rolf Domstein’s grandfather founded Domstein nearly 90 years ago. Ervik Havfiskeis a leading longline 當鋪fishing company in Norway. They only use hook and line to catch the cod allowing minimalbycatch. Their efforts for sustainability have now been recognised through independent assessment and MSCcertification.MSC official said that the 酒店兼職certification of the Domstein Longline Partners cod and haddock longline fisheries marks ahistoric milestone for the MSC. They not only represent the first certified Atlantic cod and haddock fisheries, they arealso long time favourites of 關鍵字排名consumers. The cod and haddock will be available as fillets and loins, fresh and frozen, inNorway, Sweden, UK, the Netherlands, France, Germany and the US.

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